One of the biggest problems with websites is slow loading images; it's an issue that affects many older websites and some new ones. It's all based on if you have set up a new protocol for images or if the CMS even supports serving them. This is a big problem if you don't have the budget to refactor your code or upgrade. For that case, my co-worker at theFactor.e has created a service that does that and more. It will serve your images straight to your end users using the most suitable format and with any subject in the picture always in view, even if you crop it for multiple devices.
It's a fantastic idea, and they created plugins for the CMS's that we support for our clients and anyone that sees a use for it
While the idea is excellent, the website was a bit bare, so I designed a new website with more illustrations explaining the whole concept and how it works. In addition, it's written in Nuxt.js, making it easily extendible to add a CMS later on, while all pages stay static for performance and SEO.
My brother created those illustrations; Thank you, Paul!