Let me first explain what HFDA means; it means that we always test & do research on the end-users; a happy client is great, but happy end-users is even better. For that reason, we have a special bus driving around called Billy, which you can read all about here (🇳🇱).
With our new branding, our old site didn't match anymore, and that was a perfect opportunity for me to try out a new stack and show the rest of the company what the future holds for the front-end.
We are going headless all the way!
I brought together the people I needed and researched which stack would fit best; we decided on AWS, Nuxt.js, and Prismic.io. After that, it was my responsibility to build the front-end and backend, which was exciting and gave me much controle over creating solutions. I ended being very happy with the results, and It feels nice just swiping on the homepage. 😁